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Public Works Service Request

Create a Service Request

Submit a work order to the Village for items such as street light repair, tree inspections, water quality concerns, potholes, grass height complaints and other Public Works Issues.


Enter your name and email address to receive an email response!

A Note About Urgent Requests - The Public Works Department responds to emergency situations, such as water main breaks or sewer back ups, at all times. To report such a situation during the hours of 7:00am to 3:30pm, Monday through Friday, please contact Public Works directly at (847) 551-3815. If you are reporting an urgent matter after business hours, please call QuadCom at (847) 428-8784.

You may also send a request via email to Public Works, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note that requests will be answered during regular business hours.
This Service Request Form works with all current web browsers (Edge, Safari, Chrome, FireFox) and may be used from all smartphones as well.